" Music came to me..." Working towards compositions.

An unusual day on the project in some ways...lots of silence, thought and writing as well as the usual conversation,laughs and sharing of experiences. 

Drawing from the notes made in the previous sessions, we are beginning to compose pieces of prose and other work that sits between prose and poetry. We have a new member of the group, Phil, who took us inside  the mind and body of a dancer, we have descriptions of drivetime and the music panning across the dashboard of a car, of  early experiences of the catharsis of punk, the haste to change with it, to find  new sounds and new haircuts, and further new directions...the social side of music, shared time, friends recalled, relationships with music itself and the images it can conjure and compliment.

There was real sense of focus behind the work today, each piece currently rings with the voice of the writer; each writer's job now is to refine them while keeping those voices in the foreground, and to think about how this moving and thoughtful work can develop and then be presented. Geoff had suggestions about form, that involved moving sections of text around, developing certain devices..rhythm and repetition, the use of key images, visual elements... 

Glenn from Mind has sent us some comments on the progress of the sessions...

" The development of our Creative Writing Group has brought together a lovely group where everyone has felt comfortable enough to contribute and share their own stories of musical appreciation. It's been wonderful to hear, and is providing a positive well-being opportunity, where communication is the key. Lovely stuff all round."



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