A Meeting At The Lock-In

  This is Damo Rose, musician, and Robbie Gallagher from Barrow multi-media platform The Lock In, we met at Lock In HQ today to discuss recording our writers reading their work, and to chuck around some ideas for setting the work and the surrounding conversations against some  music.  The plan is to pastiche certain sounds and songs, to allude to others and reflect the pace and energy of the conversations. 

 We'll be meeting here with the group in a couple of weeks, and after that Robbie, Damo and me will begin recording. In another exciting development, we also know that alongside our efforts will be some original music from our contributors...there is a rich piece of work in the making here, and some valuable partnerships are developing.

If you want to see the kind of work The Lock In does and promotes, here's their site and a recent podcast.. ...https://www.thelockin.live/post/twang-radio-saturday-12th-february-2022-w-big-mike-alison


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