Last Sessions on Composing the Work before Recording

Today's sesh with Geoff and the group at MIND was spent talking and polishing the written work with the intention of giving each piece its own dynamism. In most cases, it's about taking things out, paring the work down, and allowing the voice of the writer to show through.

The plan is to record these pieces, and with that in mind we are looking at reflecting speech patterns within them. As they are, they can be linked to the recorded conversations that produced them, and to our group members interests and histories.  The work contains accounts of different scenes, private experiences, fleeting impressions and stream of consciousness as well as the accounts of analytic eyes and ears at work ,

We are planning to begin work with a further group in the next couple of weeks, and hopefully we will  leave with an established group of writers as legacy of the project, who will be involved in further  creative work.



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