Calling On with Brendan and Martin

  We are beginning to draw together the written and recorded  contributions to Into The Music. Brendan Ashton  has got together with Martin Roberts to  produce a song  that draws on the traditional Calling- On  songs used by mummers, dancers and street bands. This one is based on the opening track on the Steeleye Span record Martin mentions , and its sleeve notes tell us that we are listening to something based on the words and tune of the Captain's song of the Earsdon Sword Dance Team, based 2 miles up the road from Whitley Bay, seen here in a silent film made by Lady Trevelyan round the back of Newcastle City Hall in 1937.  Maybe we should provide a soundtrack.

   Brendan, (photographed  here by Martin wearing a plant pot during their  time at Holker Estates) has multi tracked his own voice to conjure a chorus line introducing and framing his and Martin's'll hear it when its ready, but for now here are the words. 

Thanks Brendan. 

 Good people, pray hear, and attention.

Your attention we beg and crave

And if you are inclined for to listen

An abundance of music we’ll have.

We have come to relate many stories

Of vinyl’s, cassettes, and cd’s

And we trust they will drive out your worries

We may even stray into mp3’s.

Many tales of two lads who were gardeners

Whose labour was accompanied by song

Of experiences they had with music

Where things would astound or sound wrong.

There's one thing more needs mentioning

Our memories are getting quite old

We may forget without intending

So prepare yourself as our stories unfold.


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